Last update Sept. 25, 2023

Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration)


Safe product and/or breastfeeding is the best option.

Zinc in systemic administration (oral or intravenous)

Zinc is used to treat zinc deficiency, Wilson's disease and acrodermatitis enteropathica. In deficiency states and acrodermatitis, zinc sulfate, gluconate or citrate (less frequently zinc oxide) are used orally, and zinc chloride or zinc sulfate are used intravenously. For Wilson's disease, zinc acetate is used orally as an inhibitor of copper absorption.

Zinc (Zn) is an essential element of nutrition. It is present in many foods. The daily needs of Zn are 8 to 15 mg (Hall Moran 2010) and depend on the daily intake of phytates. In nursing mothers they are 11 mg for low intakes of phytate (≤ 330 mg/day) and 14 mg/day for high intakes (≥ 990 mg/day) of phytate. (Haase 2020)

The average concentration of Zn in colostrum is 4 to 10 mg/L, subsequently decreasing to 1 - 2 mg/L in mature milk, and is higher in cases of prematurity (Lastre 2020, Trinta 2020, Suarez 2019, Dórea 2012, Hannan 2005, Picciano 1976) and is independent of plasma levels and daily maternal intake (Hannan 2009, Chierici 1999, Krebs 1995, Moser 1990), even with high doses of zinc used in Wilson's disease. (Isagawa 2020)

Zn intervenes in the process of regulation of lactation (Lee 2016). Pasteurization of breast milk does not affect the concentration of Zn or other trace elements. (Mohd-Taufek 2016)

The intestinal absorption of zinc almost doubles during pregnancy and lactation. (Fung 1997).

Infant zinc levels depend on zinc levels in breast milk. (Dumrongwongsiri 2015)

With a varied and balanced diet, mineral supplements are not necessary. Excess ingestion of zinc can lead to gastric, intestinal and pancytopenia problems. (Irving 2003)

See below the information of these related products:

  • Fytate; Phytate (Fairly safe. Mild or unlikely adverse effects. Compatible under certain circumstances. Follow-up recommended. Read Commentary.)
  • Resorcinol (Fairly safe. Mild or unlikely adverse effects. Compatible under certain circumstances. Follow-up recommended. Read Commentary.)
  • Zinc (topical administration) (Safe product and/or breastfeeding is the best option.)

Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.

Jose Maria Paricio, Founder & President of APILAM/e-Lactancia

Your contribution is essential for this service to continue to exist. We need the generosity of people like you who believe in the benefits of breastfeeding.

Thank you for helping to protect and promote breastfeeding.

José María Paricio, founder of e-lactancia.

Other names

Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) is also known as Zinc (systemic administration). Here it is a list of alternative known names::

Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in other languages or writings:


Main tradenames from several countries containing Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition:

  • 102 Plus™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Antioxidant Formula™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Briovital Glucobefol™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Broken™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Caladryl Clear™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Cicalfate™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Cicaplast (Mexico)™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Cicaplast (France)™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Cicaplast (Ireland)™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Cicaplast (Chile)™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Copinal
  • Cro-Man-Zin™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Defend & Resist™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Elevit™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Full Motion™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • NCZ (India)™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Ocuclear (India)™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Ostron™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Pharmaton Matruelle™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Pilopeptan Woman comprimidos™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Redoxon Inmuno 4™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Seidibion Embarazo™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Seidibion Mater preparto, posparto y lactancia™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Seidibion Prime Embarazo™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Seidylevur adultos™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Senexon Plus™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Soyaloid Apruri™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Supradyn Forte™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Supradyn Prenatal™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Supradyn Pronatal™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Tonovital Plus Antioxidante™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Udamin™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Vitene Antiage™. Contains other elements than Zinc Sulfate (systemic administration) in its composition
  • Wilzin
  • Zincaps


Variable Value Unit
Oral Bioavail. 20 - 30 %
Molecular weight 65 daltons
Theoretical Dose 0.0004 mg/Kg/d
Relative Dose 0.12 %


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  2. Haase H, Ellinger S, Linseisen J, Neuhäuser-Berthold M, Richter M; German Nutrition Society (DGE).. Revised D-A-CH-reference values for the intake of zinc. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2020 Apr 23;61:126536. Abstract Full text (link to original source)
  3. Isagawa S, Shiohira H, Hokama N, Nitta H, Yoshida T, Masamoto H, Aoki Y, Nakamura K. Measurement of zinc concentration in blood and breast milk of a Wilson's disease patient taking zinc acetate. Pharmazie. 2020 May 1;75(5):177-178. Abstract Full text (link to original source)
  4. Lastre-Amell G, Carrero González CM, Delgado Diloreto FB, Suarez-Villa M, Granadillo Morán V, Orostegui Santander MA. Concentraciones de los oligoelementos cobre y zinc en leche materna, de vaca y de cabra. [Concentrations of trace elements like copper and zinc in breast, cow's and goat's milk]. Rev Cubana Pediatr vol.92 no.2 Ciudad de la Habana abr.-jun. 2020 Epub 15-Abr-2020 Full text (link to original source)
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  6. Suarez-Villa M, Carrero C, Granadillo V, Lastre-Amell G, Orostegui MA, Delgado F. Niveles de cobre y zinc en diferentes etapas de la leche materna y la influencia del estado nutricional de madres lactantes. [Levels of copper and zinc in different stages of breast milk and the influence of the nutritional state of nursing mothers]. Rev. chil. nutr. vol.46 no.5 Santiago oct. 2019 Full text (link to original source)
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