Last update Jan. 23, 2021

Vitamin B12 Substances


Safe product and/or breastfeeding is the best option.

Vitamin B12 exists naturally in milk at a concentration of 1 nanogram / mL (Sauberan 2019; range: 0.3 to 3 ng / mL). Maternal supplementation with cyanocobalamin barely increases milk levels in well-nourished women (Sandberg 1981), but it does improve the levels in women of low socioeconomic status (Sneed 1981). The concentration in colostrum is up to 28 times higher than that of mature milk.
The daily requirements for Vitamin B12 are 2.4 micrograms (Sauberan 2019) and increase to 2.8 micrograms daily during breastfeeding. Foods rich in vitamin B12 are meat, offal, eggs, dairy products, salmon, sardines, clams and fortified cereals.

With a varied and balanced diet no vitamin supplements are needed, but B12 deficiency has been observed in the plasma and milk of women with strict vegetarian diets (vegans), malabsorptive diseases (eg, Crohn's disease, celiac disease), bariatric surgery, poor nutritional status, pernicious anemia, low socio-economic status and in cases of natural disasters or wars. There are numerous publications showing that infants of these mothers are at high risk of disease due to vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to anemia, stunting and psychomotor retardation.

"Flash pasteurization" applied to breast milk of mothers who are HIV+ does not decrease vitamin B12 concentration.

American Academy of Pediatrics: medication usually compatible with breastfeeding (AAP 2001).
List of WHO essential medicines: compatible with breastfeeding (WHO / UNICEF 2002).

See below the information of this related product:

  • Vegetarian Diets (Fairly safe. Mild or unlikely adverse effects. Compatible under certain circumstances. Follow-up recommended. Read Commentary.)

Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.

Jose Maria Paricio, Founder & President of APILAM/e-Lactancia

Your contribution is essential for this service to continue to exist. We need the generosity of people like you who believe in the benefits of breastfeeding.

Thank you for helping to protect and promote breastfeeding.

José María Paricio, founder of e-lactancia.


Vitamin B12 Substances belongs to this group or family:


Main tradenames from several countries containing Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition:

  • 102 Plus™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Anemidox™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Bago B1 B6 B12™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Bedoyecta tri™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Bioglobina™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Cocarnit (Кокарнит)™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Cromatonbic B12
  • Cyanokit
  • Dolo-Tiaminal™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Elevit™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • FAB Iron™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Floradix™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Floradix Formula™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Floravit™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Folyoben™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Fortical (Mexico)™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • GyneFer™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Hemamina™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Hidroxil B12 B6 B1™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Inzitan™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Isopto B 12
  • Megamilbedoce
  • Multibionta Complex™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Nervobion™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Neurobion™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Neuroflax (Mexico)™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Optovite B12
  • Pharmaton Matruelle™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Polper Vascular™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Pondusvitam™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Profol (Brazil)™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Propan™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Seidibion Embarazo™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Seidibion Mater preparto, posparto y lactancia™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Seidibion Prime Embarazo™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Suplefol™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Supradyn Forte™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Supradyn Prenatal™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Supradyn Pronatal™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Supravite™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Tiaminal B12™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Tiaminal B12 Trivalente™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Trofalgon™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Tunik B12™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Udamin™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Yectafer Complex™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Yodocefol™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Yoduk Complex™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition
  • Yofolvit™. Contains other elements than Vitamin B12 Substances in its composition


Variable Value Unit
Molecular weight 1344 - 2791 daltons
Protein Binding Alta - High %
Tmax 2 - 8 hours
144 hours
M/P ratio 1 -


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