Last update Nov. 23, 2023
Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.
Your contribution is essential for this service to continue to exist. We need the generosity of people like you who believe in the benefits of breastfeeding.
Thank you for helping to protect and promote breastfeeding.
BCG ワクチン is BCG Vaccines for tuberculosis in Japanese.
Is written in other languages:BCG ワクチン is also known as
BCG ワクチン belongs to these groups or families:
Main tradenames from several countries containing BCG ワクチン in its composition:
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e-lactancia is a resource recommended by Amamanta of Spain
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The vaccine with live bacteria obtained from a strain derived from the bacillus Calmette and Guérin (Mycobacterium bovis, BCG) is used intradermally for active immunization against tuberculosis and intravesically in the treatment and prophylaxis of carcinoma in situ and recurrent bladder papillomas.
An breastfeeding mother with urothelial carcinoma was treated with intravesical BCG. The infant received intradermal BCG vaccine two weeks before treatment and there were no side effects for either mother or infant. (Barbur 2022)
This vaccine is commonly given to newborns and infants in many countries. (Montagnani 2016, Mittal 2014, Goh 1989)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, health experts and several health organizations indicate that vaccines - whether from live attenuated, dead or inactivated microorganisms, or from subunits or toxoids of the same - when administered to breastfeeding mothers do not affect breastfeeding or the safety of mothers or infants and that breastfeeding is not a contraindication for the tuberculosis vaccine. (Sachs 2013, ACIP-MMWR 2011, Red Book 2021-24, Gruslin 2009, Clements 1996, ACIP-MMWR 1989)
Breastfeeding increases the immunogenicity of some vaccines (ACIP-MMWR 2011, Pabst 1997), such as BCG when administered on the first day of life. (Red Book 2021-24, Pabst 1989)
Breastfeeding women can and should be protected with recommended vaccines like other adults (Red Book 2009, Clements 1996)
Newborns and infants should be immunized according to current vaccination schedules, regardless of whether or not they are breastfed. (ACIP-MMWR 2011, Red Book 2021-24).
List of essential medicines WHO 2002: the BCG vaccine is compatible with breastfeeding. (WHO/UNICEF 2002).