Last update May 14, 2015



Safe product and/or breastfeeding is the best option.

A compound based on a hydrated Aluminum and Magnesium silicate mixture.

Both substances contained in antacids do not concentrated into breast milk.

Naturally occurring, the mean Magnesium concentration in the milk is 31 mg/L (range 15 – 64 mg/L) and not affected by the ingestion of Magnesium.

After ingestion of antacids the Aluminum plasma levels increase from a basal-point of 7 μg/L to 55 μg/L at half-an-hour with a return to previous level 3 hours later.

Although a minimal amount of Aluminum may be found in the milk, there are not shown side-effects in the infant. Mother's milk has a mean concentration of 49 μg/L of Aluminum which is much lower than the amount of 180-700 μg/L found in artificial formulas.

Because of a low oral bioavailability the pass from the breast milk toward the infant's plasma is hampered, except in premature and newborn infants who may exhibit a higher intestinal absorption due to an increased permeability.

Avoid chronic or excessive use.

WHO Model List of Essential Medicines 2002: Aluminum hydroxide and Magnesium hydroxide are compatible with breastfeeding.


We do not have alternatives for Almasilate since it is relatively safe.

Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.

Jose Maria Paricio, Founder & President of APILAM/e-Lactancia

Your contribution is essential for this service to continue to exist. We need the generosity of people like you who believe in the benefits of breastfeeding.

Thank you for helping to protect and promote breastfeeding.

José María Paricio, founder of e-lactancia.

Other names

Almasilate is also known as


Almasilate belongs to this group or family:


Main tradenames from several countries containing Almasilate in its composition:


Variable Value Unit
Oral Bioavail. Baja - Low %
Molecular weight 253 daltons


  1. Hale TW. Medications & Mothers' Milk. 1991- . Springer Publishing Company. Available from Consulted on April 10, 2024 Full text (link to original source)
  2. Burrell SA, Exley C. There is (still) too much aluminium in infant formulas. BMC Pediatr. 2010 Abstract Full text (link to original source) Full text (in our servers)
  3. Rottapharm. Almasilato. Ficha técnica. 2008 Full text (in our servers)
  4. Richter JE. Review article: the management of heartburn in pregnancy. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Nov 1;22(9):749-57. Review. Abstract Full text (in our servers)
  5. Dórea JG. Magnesium in human milk. J Am Coll Nutr. 2000 Apr;19(2):210-9. Review. Abstract
  6. Hagemann TM. Gastrointestinal medications and breastfeeding. J Hum Lact. 1998 Sep;14(3):259-62. Review. Abstract
  7. Broussard CN, Richter JE. Treating gastro-oesophageal reflux disease during pregnancy and lactation: what are the safest therapy options? Drug Saf. 1998 Oct;19(4):325-37. Review. Abstract
  8. Nagy E, Jobst K. The kinetics of aluminium-containing antacid absorption in man. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem. 1994 Abstract
  9. Simmer K, Fudge A, Teubner J, James SL. Aluminum concentrations in infant formulae. J Paediatr Child Health. 1990 Abstract
  10. Feeley RM, Eitenmiller RR, Jones JB Jr, Barnhart H. Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium contents of human milk during early lactation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1983 May;2(2):262-7. Abstract

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